Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Negligible snow ...

There was snow on the ground when I woke up this morning, only a few inches - not enough to stop anything but it made the day a bit cleaner. I just finished my last midterm, I dislike how you are given three options and must choose one several times over because my luck would have it that I know all three in one section but none in another section and if given the option to just choose four overall I would have nailed that midterm like a virgin on Prom night - but I digress. It is over now and my Professor curves grades.

My head has been spinning for the last two days but got particularly fun when I was on the elevator at work - this cold medication (I hope) is really tripping me out. There isn't much left to do before a week of helping and playing. I have two more shifts of work and two more classes to work through, I need to pack but just realized I didn't bring a suitcase so it will either be a tote or trashbag (how classy).

I will do up a list this afternoon of administrative tasks that need to be done over the next week: internships, FAFSA, graduation stuff, backlogging notes on readings, journals, etc.

Somewhere in there I may find time to update here for whomever reads it ...


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