Sunday, February 05, 2006

Nostalgia and naivitey ...

Its pitiful that I watch Mcleods Daughters because I miss Oz and my friends. Neighbours I could understand, but the US seems to be one of the only countries that it doesn't play in. Its not for the tv - its for the landscape, the accent, the nostalgia. I stumbled across it on a channel directed at "women's entertainment" (whatever that means). I don't really follow the plot - I just let it play in the background and stop long enough to see the scorched earth and acoubras.

Levi and I have been harshly struck by the reality that we had a really good setup in Lismore. The minimum wage was 4 times what it is here. The community that we lived in was familiar. We were together, every day and every night. I had three jobs and they happened to all be within 100 yards of eachother. We cooked meals together and had a routine. I can't believe we ever complained when we were there - but that is the beauty of hindsight.

I have accepted that I don't really fit in the life here, its great to see my family and when I am not with them I will miss them greatly. I needed to come back home to realize that I don't fit in this pigeon hole anymore. I am looking forward to finishing school, and the friends that I have maintained while I was gone I will have for the rest of my life. There seems to be a box around some of my other friends, they can't see beyond their own shadow, they don't ever want to and thats their perogative. I wish the plane tickets were cheaper, the flights were shorter - and as long as we are making fantastical wishes, some teleporters would be great.

Its 3am, I have a pile of assignments to do and only one more day left in the weekend.



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