Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hack hack cough cough...

Last time I updated I used a lot of capital letters and subtle/blatant indications of who I was talking about. So let's catch up the last 5 days.

Levi came up to visit on Saturday afternoon, left Sunday night. We had a good two days, it was good that we found a way to see eachother in the mess that is living apart. I think it validated our little endeavor a little - showing that we can make it work. We went out to dinner on Saturday night at the Pullman to encompass Valentines Day, our anniversary, and my birthday. I turn 21 on Sunday, Meghan turns 25 - we have always been linked, bad and good luck hitting both of us in the same ways at the same time. It would seem ironic that I have a severe head cold the only weekend my boyfriend comes to visit and just before departing on Spring Break - doesn't really seem fair.

Monday was a blur of cold medication, work, and classes but nothing eventful enough to mention. Today I had a midterm in U.S. Foreign Policy which I think went fairly well, I was worried how much information I would retain with this cold. I had lunch with my Asian Studies Advisor and he said it would be possible for me to major in Asian Studies as well as Political Science. I am thrilled, being a double major was something I thought I had to give up because of my time abroad and a lack of an asian language. Not to say that drunk Australian isn't a language all its own. But with this good news means that next semester is going to be insane, absolutely bonkers. Also at lunch I found out that a woman I used to babysit for own a deli near campus - who knew! Little Thomas is now 7 and in school, it makes me feel old.

I am in the middle of studying for my Terrorism and Counterterrorism midterm which is tomorrow at noon. Then I have some minor assignments to finish before going home on Thursday afternoon. As I think I already mentioned, but am too lazy to backtrack through old posts, I am staying with Joey and the two boys - 3 years old and 6 months old. It will certainly be fun and a miracle if I dont get thrown up on or pee'd on in the week that I will be there.

I still have to see where my last trascript from SCU is stuck, apply for internships and finalize my lobbying for a winter graduation ceremony in December. Not to mention a very very important senior thesis paper next semester that I should start preparing for.

That is the abridged version of the last several days - there is still much to be done so I will "put hoof to dirt".


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