Friday, May 12, 2006

They dropped a house on me ...

...and ruined a perfectly good pair of retractable socks.

Tornadoes swept across Virginia today, some touching ground but not much damage done. This isn't the first time I have been in twisters here but the first where I stood outside to watch the wind and rain and twisting part pass us by. The sky was solid grey, but sunshine on the edges. The clouds dipped as if just exageratting their existing shape, corners melting to the ground. No harm, no foul, and unfortunately no camera.

This saturday I am going out to Farmville to stand next to Mom as the priest blesses her wedding of 2 years to Gregg. Apparently in the Catholic church is you have a wedding in your house it doesn't count, and the guy out there wouldn't let Mom take communion so an imprompto snip of the red tape and all will be right with the world. Except for original sin, they still have original sin.

10 days until Levi hits VA. 10 days until this strange mandatory sociological experiment will end and someone will put me out of my misery. I feel like I am wearing lots of different pairs of glasses. I see things differently and therefore think differently depending on whether I am playing the girlfriend (which for ages I have been no better than pen pal), Nanny and Nurse, Student, or just me (thats the scratched up pair). I guess the term would be "split focus". But for now it works.


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