Friday, May 12, 2006

It's like the military - but with less spit up ...

I thought I had something revolutionary to say - but then I forgot what it was.

E and I have found a groove. Once 9am hits, I am on the clock. He will have already been changed and had one bottle and some play time in his crib. We do some "exer-saucer" time watching Higglytown Heros (the strange evil cartoon for children involving russian separting dolls). Then its some fruit and cereal, storytime, play mat on the floor, a bottle and a nap (shower time for me). Then the rest of the day is spent playing and interacting, with another small nap or two thrown in. I know you don't much care but I think it is interesting how easily infants adapt to a routine being put in place. I have come to fear more teething episodes of "night walking" and look forward to when he is old enough to do "taco baby" like the older nieces and nepews. Taco baby is where you take a child, lay them on a blanket, then pick up the corners of the blanket and swing/spin/swish them around. The 2 and 3 year old love it, ask for it and will even tell you which blanket works best.

In my days, and moreso during the glorious nap time, I have been working on a number of projects. It had almost slipped my mind until Mom reminded me that I need to get a college ring. With all of the time I spent away I had lost the opportunity to be completely bombarded with school merchandizing. I still where my high school ring because it fits and it is my birthstone but I think my college ring will be more subtle. If I hold on to the thought long enough to get one I will post pictures for no other reason then I can.

I am planning a going away party for me and Levi in December. Before we head to Europe, Asia, and finally back to Oz. I think it will be some definitive starting and separating places for my family and friends, and his as well. I must remember to check out venues over summer and book them before corporate christmas parties get in.

As a segway from that, to get there I need a car. To pay for it I need a job, to get to a job I need a car. The Probe in my rear end is still busted, that's probably because I have made no effort to fix it since January. I have no passion for this car, I saw it and bought it because it served a purpose, now that it doesn't do that - I couldn't give a rats ass.

The job front is moving slowly, but I wouldn't be working a new job until mid-June anyway so there isnt as grand a rush. I have put feelers out but it is almost certain that an internship is out of the running. Maybe I will post my resume on I guess it couldn't hurt. I have to decide shortly when to start looking for a job and networking in Melbourne before we arrive. Thats another night's ramble though I guess.

(As an edit - I also get to spend time during my days with my eldest sister, discovering who we both have become in the last 5 years, in a good way.)


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