Tuesday, May 02, 2006

From books to nooks ...

Its been nearly a week since my last post, things have changed dramatically. If I had posted on the 27th I would have said that I had been drafted as master carpenter for Luck Eater (a MBC theatre production). If I had posted on the 28th I would have explained that there was a student taking the intro tech class who had her heart set on construction and cried when she found out they had asked me so I had been redesignated to lights and assistant carpenter. I would have said that the Islam class was scheduled to visit a local mosque tomorrow as a field trip - very interesting. But ... the weekend brought new developments.

On Friday afternoon I caught the train from Staunton to Charlottesville, then a bus to Richmond (why there isn't a direct route I will never know). On the bus portion I was hit on and got an unsolicitated phone number from a nice Californian named Landon. The small piece of paper was courteously disposed of once we got to the station. The weekend brought Ethan's christening on saturday afternoon and Nina's birthday in the park on sunday at noon - both eventful "family gatherings" (and all that that entails).

My eldest sister recieved a second opinion from a specialist on Friday who declared her herniated disc the second worst he had ever seen based on the MRI and scheduled her for surgery yesterday, with urgency and expediency stressed. Being that this surgery requires a mandatory 6 week recovery (absolutely no lifting, bending, or twisting) they were in a bit of a pickle. Without too much rambling, I arranged with my professor to complete my class independent study over summer and moved out yesterday. It was rather frantically done so there is still a lot that needs to be sorted. The school was very helpful and understanding and everything worked out to make the decision to break early an easy one.

So that is where I am now, I am going to move in with my sibling and her husband and help her recover, as well as take care of my 6 month old nephew. Since we are ten years apart it will give us an opportunity to catch up on the sections of growing up where I was developing my personality and she was testing her boundaries.

But I am exhausted and have much to do tomorrow ... I will update soon with more details.


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