5 year plan ...
So Levi and I were chatting the other night and ended up inadvertedly creating a 5 year plan. By the time we return to Oz, I will be nearly 22 and he will be 27 (haha, he's almost 30). Starting in 2007 I will start working, I will have finished school and recieved two bachelor degrees, he will continue to go to school. He still has to earn his law degree and if possible a teaching certificate (for the just in cases). Fast forward for 2.5 years (give or take) in Meblbourne - me working, him finishing his education, the two of us establishing a good base and life for ourselves. Following that we plan to take 2.5 years (give or take) on assignment somewhere dangerous and very well paid. That sounds like a pretty basic plan and consumes the 5 years but we ended up laying the groundwork for a full blown 10 year plan (you have to forgive the over analysis, it is what I do best).
So in the 10 year plan, from 2007 to 2017 (scary). 2.5 years in Melbourne, 2.5 years in the "danger zone". Relocate yet again, 2011, I will take time off my career to have/raise the kids (2 or three) because good meaningful childcare is hard to find and expensive if you do. While not working I will get my Masters so that when I reenter the working world I will not be so disadvantaged by the gender gap. When the youngest kid begins school I will go back to a career. Now this all depends on what kind of job I have, if it is more convienient for Levi to give up time to raise munchkins, etc etc etc.
Obviously this plan will change quite a lot in the next ... well, 10 years but thats the general gist of it.
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