Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I was just resting my eyes...

So apparently working 10 hour shifts until midnight 5 days straight can have a negative effect on a person. Who knew? This morning I was exhausted. I had only had 4 1/2 hours of sleep and had been running off my feet for the last week. We had a speaker from Northern India in my first class which was engaging enough to keep me awake, plus I was still wide eyed from my shower and breakfast. By my 10:40 History of Jazz class I was shot. Unfortunately for me, I sit in the middle of the first row, typically no more than 4 feet from my professor as he walks around the piano and blackboard. Of course I fell asleep, of course he noticed, which meant of course everybody noticed - that is of course except me. My notes from the class are useless, the first section is legible enough but then it gets very small and very squiggly indicative of where I began to fade in and out. Oops, my bad.

I think I forgot to mention in my last few posts the irony surrounding the wedding. Levi and I have a counter-couple in Oz. Megan and Sam have been engaged for over a year and when we left had no real wedding plans to speak of. When I divulged to Megs my wedding date she delighted in telling me that was the exact same date that she and Sam had chosen. We will be half way across the world and 14 hours behind but we will have the same wedding anniversary. Hopefully the men will be able to remind eachother in the future.

The invitations are almost done, I spent 2 1/2 frustratingly fruitless hours last night in the graphics lab but discovered that the two printers I needed were irrevocably damaged.

I start the bulk of my thesis in 3 days .... counting down .....


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