Obstacle course...
My light at the end of the tunnel, the ideal that is getting me through my last semester in school and all of the bullshit in my life ... is having a house (or an apartment) in Melbourne next year. Having a full time job that I feel capable at and that has an avenue for promotion and expansion. Being able to grow out of renting my life from my college or from the bank. I can't wait to have a pantry and a routine and a laundry day again. I got a glimpse of it at Union Street in Lismore, but then I came back to a dorm and living at the whim of the financial aid department at school.
There is a marked sense of ending in this semester, I know it will be my last. I never have to wonder whether or not I will have the oddball professor again, or how to arrange my schedule for next semester. I am tired of part time jobs, living in two different cities, being in a different place from Levi. I feel like I am on hold (again). It isn't my classes that are getting to me, I am actually enjoying my thesis -its the bureaucracy and red tape of it all. And what's worse, it seems like I spent the whole summer talking to people trying to sort things out and no one even listened to what I said. Now I am royally screwed and disorganized through no fault of my own, but apparently I am accountable for other peoples mistakes and misconceptions.
And I can't graduate at the end of the year until I clean up other peoples loose ends. How's that for justice!
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