My neopet died because I forgot to feed it, my livejournal got dusty because I never wrote in it. I find myself back at school, sedentary for the first time in over 2 years and needing a new outlet for my grand schemes and mental notes. "I'll wait for you in Baton Rouge" is a lyric from Counting Crows
Goodnight Elizabeth, the current inspiration flowing out of my mp3 player.
To give a quick synopsis of life up to this point - I am a college senior in Virginia USA. Only a few months ago I arrived back from 18 months living in New South Wales Australia. Before that I spent 6 months living in Limerick Ireland. I had a life here before I left, I pressed the pause button and hopped the nearest tugboat across the Atlantic. Australia was only supposed to be a taste, I never expected to stay for 12 months of overtime. I never expected to build a life. I gained friends, comrades, love, a history, and a future in that place - but I couldn't stay forever. Little known fact, you cannot have two lives on pause at the same time. I had to choose, to give up friends and my independence to backtrack and press play on a "me" whose shelf-life had long since past.
I missed my family in the US, I missed my friends in the US - but with all that came a past I had no filter on. Starting over in OZ meant that I controlled how much people knew about me, how much they knew about the life I had. It also limited the number of embarrassing stories that they knew - unlike my sisters, but I guess that is there job. I was anxious to get back though - to see my family, to help my family - to fill my new neices and nephews with sugar. I missed the country where I wasn't always first identified as a foreign object. I actually missed the people who knew all the dirty details but I knew would never use them against me.
I now cannot choose - I don't think I can do another 2 years not watching the kids grow up, not being there for the friends who have waited patiently for my promised return. I can't leave everyone high and dry again, communicating to most of the people I care about over the phone lines and vast internet cables.
I have until December (but realistically June) to decide where I want to be in my life. If I choose the US I risk loosing my 6'3'' Australian souvenier when his visa expires. I risk loosing the strongest love that I have felt .... well, ever. If I choose OZ I have to give up my family, the kids that I look forward to playing games with, and the friends that I laugh with - again. I also inevitably give up part of my indentity that resides in the embarraring tales and back story of my life. Now for the kicker, if I stay I have to give up my Australian friends, that I laugh with, my friends kids, who I look forward to playing games with, and a surrogate family. I cannot be in both places, stretched as thin as I possibly could go I cannot reach across the continental US and the pacific ocean. There is no fair way to decide.
Since I cannot have both, the options are opening up for me to have neither. I have been looking into a carreer working for the US government in Germany and across Europe. Its actually exciting - realizing that I am eligible for good careers that I am interested in.
- - - I value both of the lives I have built, everywhere I have been, most everyone I have met: my history and my future but now I am searching for where my destiny will take me next.