Caught up ...
All of my posts are up to date now, stretching back a month but they are there. Some still need the addition of photos but that will have to wait another day.
All of my posts are up to date now, stretching back a month but they are there. Some still need the addition of photos but that will have to wait another day.
So yesterday I started my new job as a floater at BooksAMillion (herein known as BAM). No, that doesn't mean they add me to the Frappe machine as bubbles but that I work both as a bookseller and barista in the cafe. I seem to recall not being allowed to take food or drink in the library/bookstore when I was a kid and now all of the large chains have a cafe affiliate inside. I started my morning at 8am with a 2 hour shift at job #1 - MBC library and then 11am-7pm at BAM. The bulk of my 8 hour shift was reading training manuals and taking quizzes on the BAM website based on the manuals. But I had a really good day, my new coworkers are diverse but all friendly and approachable. The manager on duty had no idea who I was as she hadn't been present for either of my interviews - but we got on like a house on fire once she realized I was going to be rescueing her from a 60 hr work week.
My light at the end of the tunnel, the ideal that is getting me through my last semester in school and all of the bullshit in my life ... is having a house (or an apartment) in Melbourne next year. Having a full time job that I feel capable at and that has an avenue for promotion and expansion. Being able to grow out of renting my life from my college or from the bank. I can't wait to have a pantry and a routine and a laundry day again. I got a glimpse of it at Union Street in Lismore, but then I came back to a dorm and living at the whim of the financial aid department at school.
So today was a good day, I think. I got a phone call today from Books A Million saying that they want to give me a job, which is shiny. I am going in on Thursday to fill out the paperwork. Realizing that I got nervous because I hadn't heard back from the mechanic about the car. Oh, did I forget to mention the car broke down last Wednesday night when I was driving the less than 2 miles from work to home. I had to leave it parked on a residential street not 1/2 mile from my dorm, and call a tow the next morning. But when I called the mechanic they said it was a simple clutch cable that had worn through and that it would definately be ready by Wednesday afternoon.
Today is Levi and my two year anniversary. I jumped in and said it first when he called this morning and was still too asleep to realize. It doesn't seem like two years, it seems like a lifetime that feels like a month - or it is the other way around?
I don't know quite when it happened, or even how, but I think I am an adult now. Scary thought I know. I realized last week that somehow I have defined myself. My favorite food is no longer hotdogs or PB&J (no offense). Now I look forward to splurging on Fettucine Cobonara or a big decked out Cobb salad. My favorite animal is now a wombat or meerkat - not for the way the look but for the psychology of the animal. I can finally see the end of the chapter after college, I can actually plan a future. I want to buy a house (and then sell it 3 years later for a massive profit, ha). I am finally interested in my major and can actually see a career in policy planning and governance. I still enjoy running in the rain and climbing trees but I think the window I climbed through to get where I am is finally closed behind me.
Last night I drove Levi up to Washington D.C. to move into his "apartment" and begin his internship. The drive was overcast and intermittedly rainy (still feeling the far reach of Ernesto) but still driving north through the mountains is beautiful. The scenic views were made especially calm by the thick, low lying, cloud cover from the storm. We stopped in both Staunton and Mannassas for supplies and to stock up on the basics (this seemed easier than buying in D.C. where the prices are as much as 20% higher). We arrive in D.C. with only one snaffoo (and I blame that on my navigator, who of course blames my directions). Once we get into the city everything went to hell.