Saturday, August 19, 2006

Possum - minus the O ...

I haven't blogged in a month, my apologies. Things haven't been so hectic that they would restrict me from blogging I just haven't been in the headspace for it. So on to it then...

For the last three nights I have been awoken by the sound of scurrying. This isn't unexpected in an old farm house but still freaks me out. Not that I play the "screaming girl standing on the ottoman" bit but its still jarring. When we first moved in we saw what we thought was a small field mouse scurry between some totes and bags stacked against the wall. A month later, a large mouse/rat ran across the floor when we came home late and turned on the light. Well, from the 10 inch long (not including the tail) juvenile possum that I have spotted 5 times now, those were just growth spurts. I have mastered getting up to turn on the lamp without making too much noise so I can catch a glimpse of the vermin. It is getting to the point now, the animals boldness increasing, that I spend at least a minute just looking at it before it decides to walk away. I spent today with plywood, chicken wire, and triple expanding foam trying to secure some of the entry points that I found. I have also learned the distinction between a possum (Australian bushtail) and an opossum ("Rats of Unusual Size" - Princess Bride). Lets do this visually shall we:

Normal bushtail possum ...

Giant Rat opossum with 50 razor sharp teeth ...

The real worry is that juvenile possums don't travel alone, only adults which means that somewhere else on the property there is a full grown and at least 4 more young possums .... that makes my head hurt.


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