This new routine that I have signed up for goes against my better, and predisposed, judgement. I have class from 8:30-11:30am, this means that I have to get up around 7/7:15 to drag myself through the motions of a shower, getting dressed, and a quick breakfast at "The Pub". If you don't know me, and you shouldn't really be reading this if you don't, I am soooo not a morning person. I prefer to stay up late and "power through" rather than get up early and have ample time to get my tasks done. But monday through friday I have no choice - so I digress.
Shifts were assigned at work this week, I am working 4 hours a day Monday through Thursday and then 20 hours Friday through Sunday. I am not sure why but that doesn't seem to weigh on me, I am certainly looking forward to the monthly pay check (although at 5$ per hour I am not jumping for joy).
The break was good, packing went slowly but I finished and now have plenty to sort over the summer on the farm. When I visit my eldest sister I slide into opair (sp?) mode to her 6 month old son. Oh he is too cute, of course I say that about all of my nieces and nephews. She is a herniated disc in her back so I play arms and heavy lifting. Doing some cooking, cleaning, and helping with the baby was actually suprisingly fun and took a great deal more time than I expected.
These are just my reflections ... I am sure you would be much more entertained if this book had pictures.