Logistics nightmare ...
Who can really complain after spending 18 months in Australia, the preceding 6 months in Ireland and attaining a passport full of stamps. I have had some amazing adventures and created a global life for myself. I have fallen in love with the best Down Under has to offer, who could complain. I can! I'm not engaged yet and the logistics of the wedding are mounting a strong opposition. We both ackowledge the nightmare it will be to get our parents, let alone our families, in the same place at the same time. Strictly by the numbers I win (23 immediate family members) to his 4. So we have to find a way to bring his family to where mine is.
So here in lies the issue - someone would need to be flown half way across the globe or everyone would need to be flown to a neutral locale halfway between (Hawaii anyone?). We were talking about it today. I want my family in attendance but there is no way economically that they can come to Australia. At least not for another 5 or 6 years. He wants his family there but there is no way his father will come to the US. There is also the economic constraint on both sides for such an undertaking. Both of our extended families would like to be included. We could do it on our own and just have receptions in both countries but then Levi would be killed. My older brother is giving me away, regardless of logistics. And as the domino effect states, once you let one family member in - they all want it. There is also the question of order, once we go back to Oz in December it will be at least 12 months before we resurface in the US, a bit too much of a delay for a reception.
So in conclusion (ha) there is no way to satisfy everyone, including us, so we will have to figure it out at another time.
Much study to do and things to get done.